Anibal & Maria Fornazarich

January 20, 2024

Anibal Fornazarich, a former Catholic, was saved at the age of 17 in Corrientes, Argentina, through the faithful witness of a high school friend. His life changed dramatically in spite of
persecution from his family. After God called him to the ministry, he and his wife Maria studied the Bible at a fundamental Bible institute in Corrientes. The Lord has blessed them with two sons, Josias and Joao, both of whom are active in ministry. Maria accepted Christ through the faithful witness of her brother.

Several years ago, the Fornazarich family moved to Argentina. They currently reside in Mercedes where Anibal pastors the dynamic, growing Bible Baptist Church. While Mercedes serves as the hub of their ministry, they continue to travel to Rivera and Corrientes and other cities in Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil. Evangelism is done on the radio, through social media, door-to-door, and house meetings, etc.

Miguel & Norma Galecio

December 1, 2023

Miguel Galecio was born in Zarate, Argentina in a time of great upheaval in his family. His father had just died, and a difficult entrance to the world was followed by even more pain. He often considered suicide.

Miguel turned to many religions for help. He spent time studying with the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, Catholics, Spiritists and Occultists. He even joined an evangelical church prior to hearing the gospel. Because of all these experiences, Miguel felt a great urgency to reach the lost with the gospel.

Finally, at the age of 25, Miguel heard the gospel clearly presented and received Christ as savior. His new life was marked by a fervor to share his faith with family, friends, and acquaintances. This early ministry, combined with his experiences in so many false religions, caused him to realize that many people in gospel-preaching churches either do not know or cannot articulate the gospel of grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone.

Miguel & Norma Fraga

July 24, 2023

During my youth, I started attending a church and for a while, I thought I could work to receive God’s forgiveness and to enter Heaven. But God had a plan. When I was 18, I heard a Christian preach about salvation, so I talked with him. He showed me from the Bible that salvation is only by grace and that I could not win heaven by my own efforts. I clearly understood the message of salvation and I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. Later I surrendered my life to the Lord at a camp. Norma, grew up in church, and was saved at the age of 10 after hearing the gospel in Sunday school.

After studying in Baptist seminaries in Argentina and Peru, we returned to our church and assisted in the planting of a church in Northern Argentina. We also served as missionaries in La Plata (Buenos Aires), co-pastoring a Baptist church as well as starting and directing a Bible institute. Many of the young people that God allowed us to train are now pastoring churches in
Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay. This gives us much joy to know that we had a part in their training. We have traveled to those countries to preach the Word of God, minister in camps, and assist some of these men and their families in their ministry.

Now we live in Northern Argentina. The churches in Tucuman and Rosario De La Frontera are both growing. It is our prayer that, Lord willing, we will plant additional independent fundamental Baptist churches in this dark area of Argentina where so few churches exist.