Field Ministries
Helping support international church planters and pastors as the do the work of spreading the Gospel to the nations.
Field Ministry
You can’t have Great Commission partnerships without sharing mutual faith, ideals and goals. The Field Ministries team works with IPM’s foreign national partners to keep everyone on the same page for the furtherance of the gospel.
IPM partners with 50 missionaries in 25 fields. Our partners establish and lead ministries that our supporters would want to join if they lived abroad. IPM’s Field Ministries Department ensures that new IPM missionaries conform to our doctrines and positions and that existing IPM missionaries develop their fields in line with those doctrines and positions. The Field Ministries team understands field concerns and stateside believers’ desires and works to align them both for the advance of the gospel.
For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building.
1 Corintians 3:9

Field Ministry Team

Matt Barfield
VP of Field Ministries

Dorothy Taylor
Director of Administrative Service

Marta Galdamez
Field Ministry Assistant

Meet our Missionaries
See Where IPM Missionaries are serving across the globe!