H.N.N. – Land Down Payment

October 1, 2024

We are moving forward with a new church building. Thanks to churches and individuals, we were able to make the 1st $100,000 down payment. Please pray for the remaining need of $200,000 to complete the land purchase.

H.N.N. of Lebanon: Answered Prayer –

We give thanks for faithful donors, which enabled us to purchase a used Honda Accord. Pray with us that the new vehicle may be beneficial for us and the service of the Lord Jesus.

Update from Haiti

March 18, 2024

“We are sheltering in place here on campus, where we are safe for the moment. Because we are not in the city where the action is taking place, the clinic and elementary school are still running, with no threats, including feeding the school children each day.

We have sufficient supplies of food, water, and fuel in case we aren’t able to leave for an extended period of time. We are asking God for wisdom as we continue to function as much as possible, and are re-evaluating and making decisions day by day.

Pray that we would be sensitive to the Lord’s leading and guidance on how to move forward. Pray for those all around us who are suffering and have not yet made the decision to put their trust and their hope in the Gospel.


Royden & Dani Saul”

Update from a family in India

December 20, 2023

We face much Hindu opposition in our area of India and some of the local people have been told “Christians should not be allowed to buy land to build churches or to even walk freely around the area.” We ask that you pray for our family as we continue to share the Good News of Jesus even in areas where Christians are not welcome.

Update: Rubio Family serving in Peruvian Amazon region

August 22, 2023

I (Carlos) had a car accident on January 18. At first, I traveled to the fellowship of the churches and tried to continue my work, but the pain became excruciating. Psalm 121:1-2 was a comfort to me during this difficult time. “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.” Thank God, a brother helped me to be able to buy some medicine and also to have an X-ray and ultrasound. Praise the Lord, the result was only a broken rib. Thank you very much for your prayers for my health. I am slowly recovering and have returned to the ministry.

Update: Herrera family serving the Lord in the Mexico

My wife’s health continues to have problems to the point that it is very difficult for her to climb stairs. This means that we must move the place where we meet as a church, since it is on the second floor. Please pray that God will provide for us in His timing. As you understand, it’s not easy for us to change; it’s like starting over.

Field Update: Moyano family serving the Lord in Barcelona Spain

April 20, 2023

 My wife, Schumayk is planning to travel to Uruguay and Paraguay through the month of April and your prayers for her safety are appreciated as she has a special ministry to the ladies. Our ministry to the Jewish people continues and ask you to pray for the salvation of the Jewish communities in Spain.