About The Missionary

During my youth, I started attending a church and for a while, I thought I could work to receive God’s forgiveness and to enter Heaven. But God had a plan. When I was 18, I heard a Christian preach about salvation, so I talked with him. He showed me from the Bible that salvation is only by grace and that I could not win heaven by my own efforts. I clearly understood the message of salvation and I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. Later I surrendered my life to the Lord at a camp. Norma, grew up in church, and was saved at the age of 10 after hearing the gospel in Sunday school.

After studying in Baptist seminaries in Argentina and Peru, we returned to our church and assisted in the planting of a church in Northern Argentina. We also served as missionaries in La Plata (Buenos Aires), co-pastoring a Baptist church as well as starting and directing a Bible institute. Many of the young people that God allowed us to train are now pastoring churches in
Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay. This gives us much joy to know that we had a part in their training. We have traveled to those countries to preach the Word of God, minister in camps, and assist some of these men and their families in their ministry.

Now we live in Northern Argentina. The churches in Tucuman and Rosario De La Frontera are both growing. It is our prayer that, Lord willing, we will plant additional independent fundamental Baptist churches in this dark area of Argentina where so few churches exist.

Latest Prayer Letter (January 2024)

Project Giving Opportunities

Tractor Accessories

- Need: $10,000

Kumasi Church Roofing

- Need: $9,000 - Raised: $1,093

Ashaiman Church Roofing

- Need: $9,000 - Raised: $625

Ahodwoketewa Church Pavilion

- Need: $4,000

Adzemtem Church Pavilion

- Need: $6,000

Family Camp Food

- Need: $300

Iglesia Bautista Church Roof $3,000

- Need: $3,000 - Raised: $1,000

Updates From The Field

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About The Field:

Tucumán, Argentina, presents a dynamic religious landscape that fundamental Christian missions to make a lasting impact. While Catholicism has a historical stronghold in the province, the emergence of conservative denominations signifies a ripe opportunity to bring alternative spiritual paths to the region.

With a rich religious heritage blending indigenous traditions, colonial influences, and contemporary faith expressions, Tucumán serves as a melting pot of beliefs, making it an ideal space for missions to foster a true understanding of the Gospel. As the dominant faith, Catholicism’s influence on local traditions, customs, and social events provides a unique challenge and opportunity for protestant Christian missions to introduce the true faith and engage with the community.

In recent years, Protestant churches, especially Evangelical congregations, have experienced remarkable growth, attracting diverse segments of the population seeking a fresh approach to worship and community involvement. This surge in popularity indicates a receptive audience open to embracing new interpretations of faith and spirituality, thus creating an ideal environment for Protestant Christian missions to plant their roots.

The province’s religious diversity extends beyond Christianity, with Jewish, Islamic, and Buddhist communities finding a place in Tucumán’s spiritual fabric. This multiculturalism presents an excellent platform for missions to engage in meaningful dialogue amidst the contrast of different religious groups.

Religious events and festivals, like Semana Santa (Holy Week) and pilgrimages to sacred sites, draw large crowds, demonstrating the significance of faith in the lives of Tucumán’s residents. Protestant Christian missions can seize these occasions to showcase the beliefs and values, fostering connections and creating a sense of community with those seeking spiritual guidance.

In conclusion, Tucumán, Argentina, is ripe for missions to embrace the opportunity to spread the gospel and introduce many of residents to the Lord!