About The Missionary

Many of IPM’s national missionaries serve in situations that require limiting information for public consumption. For more information about this missionary, please contact us at the office.

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Project Giving Opportunities

Old Camp Building Addition

- Need: $50,000 - Raised: $5,000

Egypt Church Plant Izbat Boulos

- Need: $70,000 - Raised: $11,500

Egypt Church Plant Magaga

- Need: $85,000 - Raised: $11,250

Updates From The Field

  • R.A.M Family Home Fire – Urgent Need - January 10, 2024

  • About The Field:

    Lebanon faces intricate economic and social challenges that intersect with its diverse religious landscape, including Islam, impacting its governance and societal dynamics.

    Economically, Lebanon grapples with a financial crisis characterized by a steep devaluation of its currency, hyperinflation, and a deep economic recession. The country’s economy, influenced by various sectors like services, commerce, and tourism, faces structural issues, corruption, and inefficient governance, which have significantly impacted economic stability.

    Social challenges in Lebanon are diverse, impacting various religious and cultural communities. Access to quality education and healthcare remains a concern, with disparities in infrastructure and resources. Poverty affects a substantial portion of the population, leading to social disparities and impacting living conditions, particularly in marginalized communities.

    Islam holds significant influence in Lebanon’s social fabric, particularly within the Sunni and Shia Muslim communities. The governance and societal dynamics are shaped by Islamic principles and cultural norms, influencing various aspects of life, social structures, and institutions.

    Islamic principles contribute to shaping social welfare systems, charity organizations, and community support networks. Religious institutions and leaders often play pivotal roles in providing social services, guidance, and mediation within their respective communities.

    However, while Islam has a profound impact on societal norms and practices, Lebanon’s governance is diverse and complex, featuring a multi-religious political system where various religious groups, including Muslims, Christians, and others, hold influence and power.

    The interplay between economic challenges, social dynamics, and the influence of Islam forms a complex tapestry within Lebanon’s governance and societal structure. This intricate relationship among religion, governance, and societal challenges adds layers to the complexities faced by the country as it navigates towards addressing its economic and social issues.