Juan & Andrea Terryn
December 1, 2023
Juan Jose Terryn Correa was born in Montevideo, Uruguay. He attended church but knew something was missing in his life. In December 2004, at the age of 14, he repented of his sins and trusted Jesus Christ. His family did not understand his lifestyle change, but he quickly realized the truth of the verse “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me” Philippians 4:13.
Andrea was born into a Christian home and accepted Christ when she was 7 years old. Today, they have a little girl named Belen.
When Juan became a Christian, he enjoyed being active in the ministries at his church. During a missions conference in 2011, God touched his heart and called him to dedicate 100% of his life to winning souls. When Andrea was 13 years old, she made the decision to consecrate herself to God, to give her life in service to Him. Their desire is to serve the Lord in ministry for the rest of their lives. Currently they are planting a church in western Uruguay.