Marcial & Blanca Murayari
December 1, 2023
The Napo River is a tributary of the Amazon River. Mazán is strategically located across a narrow strip of land at a huge bend between the Amazon and Napo Rivers.
The Lord graciously saved Marcial Murayari in 1990. Two years later, a strong desire to take the gospel to the Peruvian Amazon was born. Before beginning his missionary journey, the Lord equipped him with the tools necessary for the work. Each year since arriving in Mazán, Marcial’s conviction has grown stronger to “sow the gospel for all to hear” in the villages on the Amazon and Napo Rivers.
Brother Murayari and his wife Blanca have been ministering at El Camino Baptist Church for approximately 11 years, and the church has grown to include 12 families. During this time two additional churches were planted. One in Centro Varaderillo (on the Amazon River, two hours from Mazán) with five families in attendance. The other is in Juancho Playa Rio Napo (a four-hour boat ride from Mazán) and has eight families attending. Workshops and conferences are held in the church to equip the saints to serve in the work of the Lord. He also organizes church fellowships, plants churches, leads discipleship classes, and teaches in seminary.
Aladino & Fe Gomez
Iquitos is surrounded by the Amazon River and two of its tributaries. It is also separated from other cities by the vast tropical rainforest and the Andes Mountains. With the coming of aviation, it is now considered the gateway to the Peruvian Amazon and the main center of commerce, tourism, and industry for the Amazon rainforest. Since it has no roads connecting it to other cities, it is a very isolated, large city.
Brother Aladino and his wife Fe have been ministering at Mt. Sinai Evangelical Baptist Church for 17 years. While holding regular services on Wednesday, Friday, & Sunday, they are also heavily involved in their ongoing children, youth, and ladies ministries. For several years, Aladino’s wife, Fe (Faith), has led the Sunday School program for the children of the Church.
Carlos & Anatoria Rubio
Indiana, Peru, a tiny village, began as a Franciscan mission. It is located deep in the Amazon rainforest on the banks of the Amazon River and is the capital of the Indiana District in the Maynas Province of Peru.
Brother Carlos, his wife Anna, along with their children, arrived in Indiana, Peru on May 21, 2006. They were strangers to the people of this village and spent much of their time getting acquainted with the people and the area. At first, they lived in the church until another IPM missionary helped them to find a small house that they could rent where they currently resid
Daniel & Sonia Araujo
Arequipa is located in the southern coastal region of Peru and is the second most important city with Lima being the first. Although it is a city surrounded by three volcanoes, it strategically links the coastal and highland regions of southern Peru.
DIAPHEROS BAPTIST MISSION (Diapheros is Greek for “Taking The Word”) The Christian Baptist Church in Arequipa is the headquarters for missionary work both in the city and in the villages of the high Andes Mountains to the north. From this home base of operations, Daniel Araujo leads one of South America’s most aggressive evangelism and church-planting efforts through his Diapheros Baptist Mission. Churches are being planted by missionaries Daniel Araujo has trained. Frequent trips are made to towns and villages located high in the Andes. Since the Lord has provided a car, it no longer takes hours of walking to reach distant locations. Even though it still takes hours of travel on treacherous, dangerous roads to reach distant locations, more than 20 churches have been planted by Brother Araujo and his missionary team.