George & Vera Dapaah

December 1, 2023

Rev. George Dapaah has always had a heart for the evangelization of his people. Coming from a Muslim background, Brother Dapaah found Christ as his Savior as a teenager. After completing four years of Bible studies under missionaries from Baptist Mid-Missions in 1980, Brother Dapaah started the Solid Rock Evangelistic Ministries (now known as the Solid Rock Baptist Missions, SRBM) and began preaching.

His first evangelistic crusade, held in the port city of Tema, resulted in many professions of faith and in the establishment of a new local church, the Solid Rock Baptist Church. During the rest of the 1980s and early 1990s, other evangelistic crusades and visitation efforts resulted in the establishment of many other churches. The SRBM, under Rev. Dapaah’s leadership, is continuing to involve Africans in reaching Africans for Christ.

Aggressive church-planting requires the training of many pastors and church workers. The establishment of the Solid Rock Baptist Bible College (SRBBC) has made it possible to train many more workers for the harvest fields of Ghana and West Africa. The African teachers are university-trained men who are well established in the ministry. SRBBC students receive an excellent academic education along with practical Christian ministry training and experience. Most of the students have no financial backing for tuition or room and board. Getting a job while going to school is not a possibility in Ghana. SRBBC needs monthly financial support to be able to train these future pastors and church planters. Funds are needed to continue construction of college buildings on the campus located north of the capital city of Accra. IPM is pleased to partner with SRBM and their college.

A primary goal of SRBM is the planting of independent Baptist churches that are fundamental in doctrine and position. Brother Dapaah is ably assisted in this ministry by a host of other African workers and staff members. A total of 36 churches have been planted by Rev. Dapaah and his SRBM missionary staff in nearly every region of Ghana.

Alfred & Anna Ofosu-Asante

Rev. Alfred Ofosu-Asante (who usually goes by the name “Pastor Asante”) came to know Christ as his personal Savior on October 8, 1977. He completed four years of theological studies under Baptist Mid-Missions at Baptist Bible Institute, Wa, Ghana in 1985. He became pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church the same year he completed his theological studies.

On April 11, 1987, Pastor Asante married his wife, Anna, and the Lord has blessed them with two children – Isaac and Dorcas. Pastor Asante continued his education, completing both a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree at the University of Ghana. In 2007, he was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Divinity degree by the South India Baptist Bible College and Seminary in India. He also received his Doctor of Ministry degree in 2016. He is a very humble and effective servant of the Lord in Ghana.