Sebsibe & Sinafikish Birru

December 1, 2023

Sebsibe grew up in family that worshipped idols. He never heard of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. He spent his life in false religion and sin. Then, in September 1990, when he was 19
years old, Sebsibe heard the gospel message. He received the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior, and his life radically changed.

Sebsibe’s ministry testimony is this:“I have seen many coming to church and being saved by the amazing grace of the Lord. The burden of winning souls led me to give more of my time in prayer and the study of the Word, preaching and teaching newly converted. The church leaders noticed my gift and call and asked me to give my full time as an evangelist of the local church. I was delighted in the recognition of my call and gladly worked full time for more than 10 years in the service of the gospel.”

Today, Sebsibe and his wife, Sina, serve the Lord in church planting north of the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa.