Bairo & Laura Corrales
December 1, 2023
Growing up, Bairo was very rebellious. But by God’s grace, through the encouragement of a friend, he was saved on December 28, 1999, at the age of 22 when he heard the gospel in a church. He surrendered his life to serve Christ. As he grew in Christ, he served in his church’s bus ministry. In 2008, he met his “help-meet,” and they studied Bible at Puerto Rico Baptist College. They were married on December 8, 2012.
By God’s grace, Laura was saved at the age of 15 when missionaries came to her city and shared the gospel. God then transformed her life and she started to grow and serve the Lord, and at the age of 17, God called her to serve Him full time. She saw many teenagers die in their sin, and it broke her heart to know that they went to Hell.
The Monteria Independent Baptist Church is growing both spiritually and physically. New members are being added to the church and the Deaf brethren remain faithful to the Lord.